Monday, October 6, 2008

Pluto squares and oppositions

Pluto is finishing up transforming the identities of people born within the last degree of Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius (all the mutable signs), and is already agitating those born under the cardinal signs. That means people born at the beginning of those signs, roughly around March 21-23, June 21-3, and Sept 22-24, will experience this transformative energy.

Pluto is an inexorable force, wrote Rob Hand in his "Planets in Transit".

Force is the keyword here. It is regenerative, ultimately. The destruction comes before rebuilding, and therefore it is feared and resisted.

My practice is stepping up with those seeking "how to" surrender to these forceful changes taking place in their life. It is all coinciding with big changes happening in the universe, the world, the country, and in their communities. It is personal to them - and therefore, happening in their homes.

We sit and talk, I hear the words that tell of their wounds that need healing. Pluto has that in spades - healing. Up and out. Pluto is a digger - named of the
God of the underworld. He sees the worst that life can be.

My advice is the usual "surrender to what is". It is not advice to be apathetic. It is absolutely the first step to what can be done to alleviate the suffering the mind puts us through. No guilt, no should haves or should have nots, no worrying about what will be in the future.

Surrendering to what is - it's a very active and aggressive part in the rebuilding process. When you relegate the ego-speak, or mind-talk, to the back of the head, you can hear what your soul has to say.

The soul speaks in impulses and feelings. Listening to it takes faith that all is in divine order. Nothing worth saving will pass out of existence. Let go. Even if you have no faith in divine order of things, let go. Surrender. Pluto will have it no other way, believe it or not.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Things Sagittarian

I have several Sagittarian friends. Being that I am Jupiter's Girl, I am attracted to others that are ruled by Him.

What I love about Sagittarians are their flexibility. They generally go with the flow, rise above problems, and have a funny view of life and the living of it. I always enjoy myself, and stress less, when I am in their orbit.

My bf, Cathy, is actually a Virgo. (I love Virgo energy too, but that's another subject.) Cathy has Sadge rising, with Moon and Saturn conjuncting it very tightly. Because her Virgo Sun squares all of that, and so does her Mercury/Venus conjunction in Virgo, she has had innumerable conflicts in her life. Each time I think a particular crisis is going to be the One to do her in, she manages to come out on top. Jupiter endows her with an enormous optimism that pulls her out of the deep, dark hole she sometimes falls into.

I call my friend Cathy. Her family also calls her 'Cathy'. We have been friends for 30 years now. Other aquaintances may know her as C.W., or Catherine, depending on what part of her soul journey they may have met her in. C.W. is her bartending moniker; Catherine is an artist. She has had several different last names too, as she's been married twice and then took on her mother's maiden name. So, now, my family knows her as the name I call her to differentiate her from other Kathy's; Cathy Williams Stajdel Luminais Reynolds Luminais. I don't know how to fit in the Catherine and C.W. she's become in all of the places she's lived.

My other Sadge friend who visited me yesterday, I know as Diane. Her academic friends know her as Pamela. Her family calls her Pam. She has at least 3 different last names she uses too. She was engaged once, and prematurely started using her married name for making reservations. She never stopped that habit.

My best friend in high school, a Sagittarian that I am still in touch with, is known by a couple of names too, depending on how long one has known her.

Then, there's my web-designer. I still don't know what he's called. He's a Sagittarian also, yet one can just feel his Scorpion energy shining through in the way that he is private about what to call him. He has three names and at least two nicknames. He's given me permission to call him what I want to, but it's a weirdness that I think is particularly assigned to being Sagittarian.

A rose would still be a rose by any other name. Sagittarians need the freedom and flexibility to be called whatever persona they're displaying to the world at any given time, and in any given place. And that's another thing, they move around a lot.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Why visit with an astrologer?

All astrologers are unique; have different methodologies, different insights, preferences, and abilities.

I am a humanist astrologer, finding what's beautiful and good in everyone, applying self-knowledge to relationship harmonization. When you know yourself, embracing all and focusing on your purpose, the connections with others' will naturally smooth out, enabling one to be well-adjusted in their community and immediate environments.

I use natal charts, primarily. I progress it to the present moment, and then check to see which planets are exerting influence in the client's life.

How that can be helpful, and worth the $75 I charge, is to bring about a peace of mind that all is in divine order. If you have that sensation that all is well, then it follows that all IS well and whatever that means comes to pass.

I have done trades for readings. Often times, clients who are having difficulties with planetary energies, if they are bucking the system (so to speak), will also have cash flow issues. It isn't about the money with me. I have done exchanges, and also much pro bono work, which carries it's own exchange as I get smarter and more experience with each case.

Still, the feedback I have received about my counseling sessions is what I am trying to articulate here. Why would anyone visit an astrologer? Maybe you are too close to a situation. I have the gift of gab, compassion for others, and an intuitive feel for all situations that is accurate in assessing what is going on and provides me with the words to use for smoothing over discord.

It is a gift from the heavens, my interest and abilities to interpret charts and apply astrology for navigating one's path in life. I am in service on Earth, this much I know, and have made some mistakes in previous lives with lording over others with my intuitive and healing arts. This time around, as an astrologer, I only use it to empower others to finding their inner guru.

I put a price on a session with me, but really, accessing higher powers and finding inner peace and the joy of Being, is a priceless experience.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturn's rule

Things Saturnian: Business and places of business, public buildings, foundations, one's profession, career, vocation, employment, bankruptcy, debts and debtors, foreclosures, one's father, elders, enduring friendships, engineers, architects and architecture, buidling and building materials, landlords, land and property, monks and monasteries, retirement, elders. Body parts: Bones and teeth.

Jazz Fest 2006, my Capricorn friend, with Mercury and Mars in Capricorn also, and I were hooking up to do the festival together. I told her I was going to find a parking spot on the street. She was parking in a lot for $25. She fussed at me with all of her Saturn, "you're going to get towed. They're towing and ticketing like crazy. I saw it on the news."

I do not watch the news and even if I had $25 for parking, it's the point with me. If there are free spots, I'd rather spend my money on something else besides parking.

An astrologer friend reminded me that those born with lots of Saturn in their chart would probably get ticketed and towed. They MUST do things correctly, with integrity, not hurting anybody or anything, or else suffer severe consequences. Knowing right from wrong is their main claim to fame. They know it from experience.

Everything worked out fine with my parking situation then. I know what signs to look for and when it is not cool to park on the street. If I have to pay - like I did for Mardi Gras - then no big deal, I have the $$ for it.

When Pluto changed signs to Capricorn on the 25th, coming home from work that night, on the longest bridge in the world, I was going 73 in a 65 mph zone. I got a ticket. I faced Saturn with my guilt. And then I realized how scary this is for some that Pluto will be in Capricorn (after Dec 08) for approximately 16 years. We will all have to be mindful and righteous, or else.

I hate to spend my hard-earned money on a speeding ticket. Nobody got hurt, nor would they have. I had complete control of my vehicle and there was no traffic on the bridge. I have learned not to argue with Saturn. It is not reasonable energy. The fact is, I went out of bounds, and Saturn's job is to pull me back in. Good or bad is besides the point.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

And if you were still wondering...

What to do with all that Capricorn energy that's exerting influence on us individually and collectively? Look to Dave Hall for inspiration. Any one of those blogs could effectively give you the impressions that are working their way out of the fabric of creation.

Dave is the most productive man I know. He is tenaciously working to unite points of light on the planet and get cohesive activity in causes that will uplift many who barely survive.

What I like most about his ideas, or the top one, is to raise up the natural born leaders within the groups that are down on their luck wholesale. It's the old "teach a man to fish..." theory that empowers others to hold their own as equals in our global community.

I speak of the brotherhood of man often. I am an Aquarian, and I have 3 Capricorn planets in my 11th house - Aquarius ruled - which is about hopes, goals, wishes, groups, friendships, and more along those lines.

I am idealistic in my vision of a futuristic society, just not as aware of how to practice what I preach. Therefore, I turn to Dave Hall. And others like him who have ideas that are practical and worthy of our implementation.

Dave is a force of One, but a mighty force he is. He writes prolifically of what it will take to have solvency in the poorer regions.

He once asked me to be his publicist. I had to look up what that word means. I shrug about the title. It isn't necessary to call me publicist for me to promote his good works.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Find out where your Mercury is placed.

Thinking is at the fundamental level of creation. It is the basis of all outgrowth, or expression of the Self, which is built upon by ideas, thoughts, programming and conditioning. Very few activities, gestures, written or spoken words can be produced without thoughts. Even while asleep, thoughts and images enter our minds unbidden.

I heard a statement today that was spoken by a very loving gentleman. He told a friend, his brother, that there's going to be a race showdown between the blacks and whites and that he'd either better move, or get himself a shotgun and some ammo. I pooh-poohed it telling my friend that that rumor has been alive and kicking for 20 or more years. I have never believed it.

The society we live in is a direct reflection of how we think. Why does anyone want wars? It is an old desire that is ruminating in the collective about seeing a showdown between the good and evil forces. Everyone expects good to triumph.

I think the future is a malleable proposition.

I wrote, "I think" that. If everyone is on the same page, and a war between two races of people - who really have no bone to pick with one another and CAN live cooperatively - is predicted, the desire for that outcome is strong enough to bring it about.

So, let's say we desire something completely different this time. We seem to be on the verge of a major breakthrough in understanding that reSources are not as limited as powers that control them would have us believe.

Thinking is a very constructive activity, Saturnian. With Pluto and Jupiter together in Capricorn, and an election looming that calls forth all the shenanigans the negative polarity can pull to ensure their hold on power, we are becoming more aware and thoughtful citizens and see through the bullshit.

What are we going to do about it? Ignore powers that be?

Dennis Kucinich is the example I am speaking of. I am so not political, but my gut tells me that effective leadership that is for the people and by the people - liberty and justice for all is squelched by unseen forces, which are actually quite brazen and not that hidden.

What I advise is that everyone knows how they think, what they think about and how they express themSelves. Your Mercury placement by sign, house, and what aspects it makes to other planets in your chart tells me a lot about what's going on in your Mind. How does it operate? What mode is it - cardinal, fixed, mutable? And what element is it in - fire/air/water/earth? All of this Matters to matter and the life matter supports.

Since it is the Mind that is the fertile womb of creation, it is wise to understand how you think so you can channel your creative spirit very productively. Affirm your individuality with self-awareness. Information is light. Light is empowering. It all gets filtered through the Mind before becoming reality.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pluto's running with Saturn now

Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn, January 27, 2008, has many sensitive and perceptive light-workers making predictions about what is to come. Most of them express that when Pluto makes it's final change into Capricorn in December, for the next 16 years we will collectively experience a transformation of our societal structures and broad, sweeping changes in what makes us a community of souls.

Saturn and Pluto can provoke much fear. It is true that Saturn represents lack and limitations in it's negative polarity. It can restrict and inhibit growth, is responsible for breaks internally, as in bones and teeth, and externally, growth of a business, building, relationship, or anything of a structural nature. It is not malevolent energy at all, but there are some who would exploit it - not realizing that they are only suppressing or oppressing their own spirit as well.

One analogy that brought that home to me, a man named Sid presented the visual of a body which had it's hands at it's neck, strangling. That's not word-for-word what he wrote, but close enough to provide understanding of what it is to fight with one another and to try to destroy each other's cultures, or take resources from, or pollute or otherwise deny life to anyone on the face of the planet, and beyond.

Pluto’s function in the zodiac is destruction and rebuilding, death and rebirth. That transformational energy is working within Capricorn’s constellation, which rules our collective structure and integrity as a society, on the whole.

Since the Lord of Karma (Saturn) is involved here, death and rebirth is mixed up with reaping what one sows. It will be easier to see that every action we take now will have consequences far into the future, affecting all generations yet to come.

Many of us already experience instant karma more often - where we manifest almost immediately, what we are desiring; consciously or not. The difference being - when you consciously create your reality, you mind what’s in your mind more carefully, feeding it with only those thoughts which naturally benefit the whole.

With Saturn in on the transformation, the changes will be done right, with structures and foundations that are set in reality, and also with a more unified and universal consciousness. Because Capricorn is the cardinal Earth sign contained in the quadrant that constitutes our collective experience of life and living, a brotherhood of man atmosphere will prevail.

The meaning of the word ‘collective’ has to be the significant point of our transformation. This time seems to be best for bringing about awareness that it takes each individual within the village - to create the village. Not any one sign of the zodiac should be in charge of the rebuilding. The whole is a sum of it's parts.

For the astrology student, and teachers too, I highly recommend Steven Forrest's "THE BOOK OF PLUTO - Turning Dakness To Wisdom With Astrology". He is most articulate and humane in his writing of a subject that I tend to lighten up and idealize. I understand all too well that we manifest what is in our mind. Ignoring the darker nuances in our psyche' do not make them go away. Mr. Forrest not only looks at those darker forces, but he knows how to bring them into the light.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Jupiter's running with Saturn

Jupiter, the lord of growth, expansion, and largess is in cahoots with Saturn - the builder of structures - ethereal ones and finite ones - for the whole of 2008.

There is magnificent potential for building a society of individuals with cooperative efforts, and appreciation for one another's role in the act of creating such a culture, while Jupiter is in the sign of Capricorn.

From my perspective and programming, I have come to some conclusions which are based in the belief that the Mind, as a manifester, finds whatever information it needs to create the outcome it believes will, or should, be. That information could come in from what you read, or whom you talk to, or what you watch on tv, or in a movie. I think you will constantly come upon the proof you need to back up any argument for why your beliefs are THE ones to hold true.

You manifest what is in your Mind - like a projector directs images onto a screen. I subscribe to the belief that it is hard to be mindful of what's going on in your Mind if you are also in drama and chaos of trying to feed it with more of what it's programmed to manifest and feed on. Round and round it goes - unless you put some space around those thoughts.

If your experiences are less than blissful, or what I mean is, if your experiences are predominantly crappy and lead to lowered vibrations, detach your attention of the negatives and plug the thoughts into more life-giving sources. Go outside. Find some water to sit by, or a tree, or potted plant even, and soak up some energy. Leave those troublesome thoughts with Sources that can transmute them into awareness of your role in the Whole scheme of Life. That's empowerment.

I think Jupiter's transit in Capricorn is going to help us, on the whole, become more conscious of the fact that we are together in this process of creation and depend on each other to keep it in line with a system, legal(Jupiter) and ethical(Saturn) which benefits all.

Saturn's energy is constrictive with purpose, while Jupiter is in charge of growing. Jupiter will be in Capricorn for pretty much all of 2008. Growth with conscience is our greatest potential for this placement.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Capricorn New Moon

I have an invaluable book in my collection; Jan Spiller's "New Moon Astrology." The subtitle, or subject, of the book is "Using the New Moon Power Days to Change Your Life."

There's a new moon each month, known by when the Moon exactly conjuncts the Sun. In the "New Moon Astrology," Ms. Spiller gives clarity on the nature of each of the signs and how best to utilize and invoke the energy of the new moon with our written intentions, which should harmonize with the zodiac sign that it's in and what it is good for.

I often speak or write of how the mind creates reality. I understand that written intentions are a potent way of manifesting that reality.

This month's New Moon is in Capricorn, therefore, the qualities and areas of rulership in Capricorn's domain are ruled by Saturn. All things Saturnine should be captured in our intentions and given life through our words.

Invoke your maturity and responsible handling of life and all situations.

Develop awareness of how every action you have, every thought you think, every connection you make, has roots that grow into your future. Make righteous choices. Affirm that you are making righteous choices that are for the good of all, including yourSelf.

Saturn also rules structures - inner ones, such as bones, teeth, joints - as well as outer ones - such as buildings, garages, tents, houses. Set your intention for any of these structures to be on firm ground, or firmly healed if there is rheumatism or arthritis. These symptoms can be lessened using an affirmation of health in things ruled by Saturn, which also include skin, gall bladders, and knees.

You can intend to have a good reputation and recieve recognition for a job well done under this influence.

Saturn is also known for it's lack of joy and sternness; pessimism and inflexibility. Make wishes and affirmations that lift these attributes from your personality on this day.

Write down your affirmations, intentions, wishes on a piece of paper. And then put that paper out of sight. You don't need it anymore. I keep mine in a notebook, and only give a quick glance as I begin my new moon page each month.

This book offers a good understanding of how to apply the energy of the new moon to living a fulfilling life. Farmers and fishermen plant and harvest by the phases of the Moon, so, too, can we, as humans, use the phases for right living.

Happy New Moon today - January 8th, 2008.