Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Capricorn New Moon

I have an invaluable book in my collection; Jan Spiller's "New Moon Astrology." The subtitle, or subject, of the book is "Using the New Moon Power Days to Change Your Life."

There's a new moon each month, known by when the Moon exactly conjuncts the Sun. In the "New Moon Astrology," Ms. Spiller gives clarity on the nature of each of the signs and how best to utilize and invoke the energy of the new moon with our written intentions, which should harmonize with the zodiac sign that it's in and what it is good for.

I often speak or write of how the mind creates reality. I understand that written intentions are a potent way of manifesting that reality.

This month's New Moon is in Capricorn, therefore, the qualities and areas of rulership in Capricorn's domain are ruled by Saturn. All things Saturnine should be captured in our intentions and given life through our words.

Invoke your maturity and responsible handling of life and all situations.

Develop awareness of how every action you have, every thought you think, every connection you make, has roots that grow into your future. Make righteous choices. Affirm that you are making righteous choices that are for the good of all, including yourSelf.

Saturn also rules structures - inner ones, such as bones, teeth, joints - as well as outer ones - such as buildings, garages, tents, houses. Set your intention for any of these structures to be on firm ground, or firmly healed if there is rheumatism or arthritis. These symptoms can be lessened using an affirmation of health in things ruled by Saturn, which also include skin, gall bladders, and knees.

You can intend to have a good reputation and recieve recognition for a job well done under this influence.

Saturn is also known for it's lack of joy and sternness; pessimism and inflexibility. Make wishes and affirmations that lift these attributes from your personality on this day.

Write down your affirmations, intentions, wishes on a piece of paper. And then put that paper out of sight. You don't need it anymore. I keep mine in a notebook, and only give a quick glance as I begin my new moon page each month.

This book offers a good understanding of how to apply the energy of the new moon to living a fulfilling life. Farmers and fishermen plant and harvest by the phases of the Moon, so, too, can we, as humans, use the phases for right living.

Happy New Moon today - January 8th, 2008.

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