Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Things Sagittarian

I have several Sagittarian friends. Being that I am Jupiter's Girl, I am attracted to others that are ruled by Him.

What I love about Sagittarians are their flexibility. They generally go with the flow, rise above problems, and have a funny view of life and the living of it. I always enjoy myself, and stress less, when I am in their orbit.

My bf, Cathy, is actually a Virgo. (I love Virgo energy too, but that's another subject.) Cathy has Sadge rising, with Moon and Saturn conjuncting it very tightly. Because her Virgo Sun squares all of that, and so does her Mercury/Venus conjunction in Virgo, she has had innumerable conflicts in her life. Each time I think a particular crisis is going to be the One to do her in, she manages to come out on top. Jupiter endows her with an enormous optimism that pulls her out of the deep, dark hole she sometimes falls into.

I call my friend Cathy. Her family also calls her 'Cathy'. We have been friends for 30 years now. Other aquaintances may know her as C.W., or Catherine, depending on what part of her soul journey they may have met her in. C.W. is her bartending moniker; Catherine is an artist. She has had several different last names too, as she's been married twice and then took on her mother's maiden name. So, now, my family knows her as the name I call her to differentiate her from other Kathy's; Cathy Williams Stajdel Luminais Reynolds Luminais. I don't know how to fit in the Catherine and C.W. she's become in all of the places she's lived.

My other Sadge friend who visited me yesterday, I know as Diane. Her academic friends know her as Pamela. Her family calls her Pam. She has at least 3 different last names she uses too. She was engaged once, and prematurely started using her married name for making reservations. She never stopped that habit.

My best friend in high school, a Sagittarian that I am still in touch with, is known by a couple of names too, depending on how long one has known her.

Then, there's my web-designer. I still don't know what he's called. He's a Sagittarian also, yet one can just feel his Scorpion energy shining through in the way that he is private about what to call him. He has three names and at least two nicknames. He's given me permission to call him what I want to, but it's a weirdness that I think is particularly assigned to being Sagittarian.

A rose would still be a rose by any other name. Sagittarians need the freedom and flexibility to be called whatever persona they're displaying to the world at any given time, and in any given place. And that's another thing, they move around a lot.

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