Saturday, November 24, 2007

Full Moon in Gemini today

Full moons are known to be times when crazies get crazier. That's because the two luminaries are on opposite ends of the poles, creating a polarity in the way you feel and the way you think.

The conscious and unconscious forces are in a collision, and the only way to avoid an implosion is to strike a balance between the two.

If you take the Sun in Sagittarius - then you get Jupiter too. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and therefore the light that is shining on you (or within you, really), is colored with his magnetic qualities of love and tolerance, of higher learning, of wisdom and courage. Jupiter is a benevolent Being and bestows grace upon all. It's his turn to work with the creative force of the sun. It is a powerful time for expanding awareness.

Then, take the Moon - the other luminary. It is about to enter Gemini and be opposite the Sun any minute now, Sat. 11/24/07, around 7:42 am CDT. The Moon will be in Gemini, which is ruled by Mercury, for 2.5 days. Gemini is swift on the uptake and has insatiable curiosity. A Mercurial Moon will have us changing our minds without a moment's notice. The Moon, as well as Mercury, affects the Mind as it affects our emotions. They feed each other.

As for the opposition of these two mutable masters - it should not be so bad as to provoke lunacy, but one should remain flexible and loose in their translation of reality today. Don't be afraid to broaden your horizons. It will feel good to release outworn thoughts and ideas that limit your scope.

Let Jupiter and Mercury within you find the balance between rational thoughts and metaphysical beliefs.

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