Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pluto - the undeniable force for change.

Transits of Pluto to a planet in your chart brings change in the area of your existence that the planet being aspected represents. These are the times to do some soul-searching and raising of your consciousness to allow for positive changes in your life.

Because of Pluto’s slow-moving speed, when signs in your chart are aspected by it’s transit, you can expect about two years of strong, kind of obsessive activity in that area of life.

For instance, if Pluto is making an aspect to your Venus, you can expect something powerful happening in your love life, or the art that you produce, or something else that represents what you are attracted to and what you attract.

If Pluto is in aspect to one of your luminaries, one may find their identity(Sun) going through an overhaul, or their psychological processes (Moon) experiencing some intensely emotional transformations.

It depends on what the aspect is how that event is experienced. The easier ones will bring welcome change, while the harder angles will seem to be coming from external sources, and therefore not recognized as the events your higher self is bringing about. Resistance to change is where pain and frustration comes in.

Pluto transits are sometimes forceful, or considered so, because of attachments to things that no longer serve us. It’s no use trying to hold on to a dilapidated building, or a bunch of clothes that don’t fit anymore. The same goes for relationships that do us more harm than good.

In Feng Shui, these outworn items and structures, or relationships, or ways of thinking - are said to be cluttering up your Chi. You have to get rid of the old to make way for the new, which Pluto will assuredly do. He is in charge of regeneration, ultimately improving upon what was there and which needed some updating anyway.

At this time, Pluto is traveling with Jupiter in Sagittarius’ s constellation. The Sun is in Sagittarius, and Mercury is in Sagittarius too. That is a lot of energy concentrated on our beliefs and abilities to expand on them. If you are open to some creative change, this will attract to you the people and places and resources you need to make them happen. We are magnetic creatures. Our thoughts are the magnets that pull in what we need.

In the beginning was the word. Or, so they say. I think it is more appropriate to say, “in the beginning was the thought.”

1 comment:

Jupiter's Girl said...

Hey, Peter. Thanks for dropping by and directing people to that informative site about Astrology. The more people that know their chart and the potentials inherent within their soul's journey, the more productive we can become as co-creators in the process of life's unfoldment on Earth.
Namaste', Brother.